The average house price on BROCKLEY CLOSE is £128,296
The most expensive house in the street is 20 BROCKLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £197,204
The cheapest house in the street is 18 BROCKLEY CLOSE with an estimated value of £91,823
The house which was most recently sold was 4 BROCKLEY CLOSE, this sold on 27 Jul 2023 for £128,500
The postcode for BROCKLEY CLOSE is HU8 0PS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced £128,500 27 Jul 2023
6 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced , 79 m2 £128,850 £75,000 25 May 2012
8 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced , 71 m2 £115,924 £70,000 2 Sep 2013
10 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced , 80 m2 £110,205 £76,000 27 Jul 2015
16 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced , 103 m2 £125,772 £28,000 28 Apr 1999
18 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced , 104 m2 £91,823 £16,000 20 Oct 1995
20 BROCKLEY CLOSE Terraced £197,204 £35,450 27 Sep 1996